Sunday, October 19, 2008

What country was Daddy from again?

Yesterday whilst I went and participated in a 'working bee' at my place of employemnt, Daddy took Miss M 2.5 to Taronga Zoo. Miss M LOVES animals and would happily spend hours squeezing the stuffing out of all of the puppies in our local pet store if we let her.

So in amongst all of the fabulous options of animals to tell Mummy about after she returned home (pygmy hippos, snow get the idea!), Miss M regaled me with stories of the kangaroos, giraffes and her favourites...the sheep.

Must be all her Daddy's fault...he is a Kiwi-Aussie transplant after all. :)

A Daddy's girl after-all

Miss M makes friends with her giraffes

Petting the goat

I had fun Daddy!


Allegro ma non troppo said...

Isn't that funny that she liked boring old sheep the best!

Looked like a fun day.

KH said...

I've just read most of your blog - my daughter is a similar age (3 in Feb...yikes) so I'm smiling along with you!