Saturday, October 4, 2008

Little girls and dresses....

Any of you that have a toddler daughter could be next... *L* Beware, it's the case of the DRESS ADDICTION!

I swear, being a complete tomboy as a child, I never expected I was going to have a total princess as a daughter. Yes, I danced later in life and as a result wore wigs, dresses and make-up, but I honestly never thought Miss M 2.5 would suffer from the 'want my pwetty dancing dwess'. *L*

BTW - Thanks alot Tiff, Maddy saw the beautiful Ivy in her sunflower yellow Pumpkin Patch dress and HAD to have it. No other dress was going to do and thankfully they had ONE left and it was in her size.

Before, she didn't care what she wore, but now it HAS to be a dress she can dance in, preferably to Dora's dancing adventure or Dorothy the Dinosaur's DVD. I have to admit it though, watching her attempt to Irish dance like the two girls on the Dorothy DVD is one of the cutest things ever! :)

So here she is in all of her princessey glory...


Allegro ma non troppo said...

You're starting to blog more! Finding it good therapy?

Love these pictures, expecially the arty one with all the reflections on the floor and she's peeping round a corner. Gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Your blog is interesting.Young girls look beautiful in flower dresses.Children also love trendy dresses.


tiff(threeringcircus) said...

Awww, she looks adorable Bec!

Ivy is a real girly girl too. I love it. My mother dressed me in brown skivvies and cord flares, so to have princesses is a real treat for me. I do have one tomboy though. She gets around in cutie shorts. Enjoy it but be warned, it is addictive and can be expensive! LOL

BeckaP said...

*LOL* I hear you on the expensive Tiff. I laugh everytime I buy something in PP and they ask if I get their catalogue. I almost expect these loud alarms to start sounding with 'warning - overspender, has addiction to dresses'.