Thursday, July 31, 2008

Work is the easier route...

I wish I was at work today. It's less tiring.

First of the bat, I want to firmly say I love our daughter. I couldn't imagine a life without her in it; a future that doesn't involve her. Even in her most feral moments (and boy have there been alot of those lately), I wouldn't swap our life for that three or four years ago when Maddy wasn't in our world.

But today, we're home sick together. Daycare mentioned she was running a bit of a fever late in the afternoon and had slept through lunch. Anybody that knows Miss M would be aware that NO lunch for her is like Satan skating on ice. It NEVER see, Miss M loves food and only on a very sick little Miss M would ever fathom sleeping instead of having lunch. Worse yet, lunch yesterday at daycare was spaghetti. Close to being her most absolute favourite type of meal.

Anyway, we both have been fighting off flus. The weather down here takes a bit of adjusting to, and right now Miss M and I have coughs that sound like seals dying. A nasty headache caused by the most evil of all motor policies which I have been attempting to handle in the past three days; descended upon me late yesterday afternoon. Cramps I can handle with a few Nurofen, flus I can sniffle through, but headaches are my major downfall. Quite simply I felt like crawling into a hole and sleepng for a week.

After a fairly sleepless night we woke up at our usual dark hour (5:30am) and I knew neither Miss M nor I should be going to work/daycare today. So at 5:55am I realised I didn't have any contact numbers and sent an email to one of my workmates to let her know I wouldn't be able to make it in. Computer genius husband left for work and Miss M and I snuggled in for some rest.

Yeah right...

The past 5 hours since hubby left for the quiet and sanity of work, Miss M has trashed the house, her Dora DVDs and is presently reading in bed when she's supposed to be having a nap.

I'm jealous of said husband. I WISH I was at work right tired and sick body would be more suited to sitting in front of a computer screen and solving the insurance problems of the world. And now I can hear 'Mummy... Mummmmmy... MUMMMMYYYY' coming through the door of Miss M's room.

Sick day...what sick day?


Givinya De Elba said...

Oh No! That sounds terrible, I am so sorry for you! Get well soon. I tell you, the day they make a vaccine for the common cold, I'm having it EVERY YEAR!

Allegro ma non troppo said...

Hope you're feeling better!