Saturday, July 26, 2008

Nothing original

Wow, I'm sitting here struggling to come up with something to write about. Anyone would think I lead a completely boring life.... *L* Anyway, the pressure is on...I happen to be writing in the dust of two family members who manage to update their blogs on a daily basis with entertaining and amusing anecdotes from their lives.

Someone on a message board got me thinking yesterday. They'd started a thread on what our favourite memories from school were. When I sat down and started to think, two thoughts came immediately to mind. The first was pure horror. I actually sat down and calculated how long it's been since I finished wearing my tartan high school uniform. WAY too long. My second thought was to begin to laugh as some of my favourite memories came flooding back.

I know people always tell you never to look back, but I can't help but think that sometimes it's ok to do that. It makes you appreciate what you had and how much the choices you made back then have led you to where you are now. Little did I know back then, that the plain-jane rule abiding school girl who had dreams of becoming a primary school teacher would learn that she'd rather just let other people keep their own children and would be working in INSURANCE.

Actually, if you'd informed me back then that I'd be working in insurance I would have had you in a straight-jacket and ambulanced off to 'Crazy Sister's' "rehab" before you could blink. And I ask you, who actually comes out of high school saying 'yep, that's for me - I'm going to work in Insurance!'????


Allegro ma non troppo said...

I'm sure you insurance workers know how to kick up a lark or two. You're probably just a big bunch of practical jokers, playing around with life and death and the big bucks celebrities bottoms.

Givinya De Elba said...

I am so glad you are blogging! I get to spread the comment love YOUR way!

I'm still in everyone else's blogging dust, don't worry.

Hope it turns out as cathartic and wonderful for you as it has for me. Writing helps me feel relaxed, somehow.