Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The reasoning behind the title...

I can't handle 'snot'...(otherwise known as "boogers").

Yes, that's right; I'm a freak! I have a 2.5 year old munchkin and I can handle pretty much anything she produces for me but I just can't handle snot. Especially when it involves those little aspirator type objects designed to extract it all - google 'fess little noses' and you'll understand the type of product I'm refering to.

Even the word makes my stomach turn.

Blood, vomit, poo...no problems. Not the highlight of anyone's day but if it has to be taken care of, I'll do it. I do however, draw the invisible line in the sand at the wonderful products of the nose. It doesn't matter the colour, but if I see it I just want to run screaming away. This includes the welcome you receive from the kids at daycare when you're picking up your daughter. It takes all my strength not to keep several metres (and preferably a few tables) between myself and any snot-monster in the room.

For the past 2 and a bit years I truly did just think I was some freak of nature. The laughs of my ever loving and understanding husband certainly didn't do anything to dispell that thought. It wasn't until today when I was having a chat with my team leader at work that I discovered I am not alone. Some not-so-considerated work colleague was talking about the nasty 's' word and she was fair gagging on the spot in response. Mercy, I wanted to cry tears of joy.

Now that I've explained, please excuse me whilst I go empty my stomach. *L*

Founding member of 'SAA' (Snot-Aversion-Anonymous)


Allegro ma non troppo said...

Me, I hate soggy bread. Loathe it. Can't touch it, won't look at it.

And you know how anything that grosses you out normally is a million times worse when you're pregnant? My 2y/old boy choked on bread when I was pregnant, and I was just standing there saying, "put your finger in your mouth and try to get it out of your throat..." for ages before I could force myself to step in and do it myself.

Givinya De Elba said...

Snot is bad, yes it is. But I find poo and vomit much worse. kudos to you for being able to manage both of them!