Sunday, September 7, 2008


First of all, HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all of the fantastic Daddys out there. From a personal point, it was J's 3rd Fathers Day and Miss M 2.5 was thrilled to be depositing her personalised card on him very early this morning. Also thrilled to be handing him his gift which he'd been eyeing off at the 'Socrates' store for a few weeks. That was, until he unwrapped it and the batteries were put in place. The present were two remote controlled 'sumo wrestlers' which combat. Miss M didn't like them before the batteries were in them, so you can imagine what she was like when they were switched on.

Quite simply, she was PETRIFIED. And furthermore, we now have her 'currency' as my wonderful workmate calls it. Warnings quite often don't work with Miss Stubborn. Today, J tried out a new tactic:

J: 'Go and pick up your crayons'.

When there was a mute failure to comply to said order, out came the new line,

J: 'Hurry up or Daddy will get out the sumos'.

Miss M: 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' Mission accomplished!

When the camera is up and running again (flat batteries!) I will upload a picture of the sumos for you all. But for now, here are a few of the photos Maddy posed for her 'Papa Ian':


tiff(threeringcircus) said...

*sigh* Maddy is so cute! I love the little plaits.

Mum-me said...

She's a cute little girl.

I discovered your blog title on .... um .... oh .... someone else's (been blogsurfing and can't remember) but I had to come comment on your blog name. I tought in pre-school for years before having children of my own, and I would say that very thing to my co-workers, "I'll clean up the poo, wee, even vomit - anything but snot!" Even after having 6 children of my own my stomach still 'turns' whenever I need to help them blow their nose, especially when they have a cold! I've been known to use 4 tissues (Folded in half!) at a time.