Friday, November 14, 2008

Why toddlers and windows don't go together...

Never in my life did I think for a second Miss M 2.5 would climb onto the windowsill - she's just never been much of a climber. Her bed IS under the window (her head is at the opposite end of the bed), but as with most 2nd bedrooms in small units, there really isn't anywhere else to have the bed!

A higher power was watching over us on Wednesday night. As usual, Maddy went to bed at her usual time - we turned off the light, left the door open and I went about neatening up the house. About five minutes later, I needed to put a load of wash on for work, but decided I'd grab some of Maddy's dirty clothes from the hamper in her room.

Her bedroom was dark and still. She wasn't in her bed, I could make that much out. She was however, hanging from the window. I'd left the window open, there is a flyscreen there too - but not one of the proper security ones. She'd popped through the flyscreen and everything from her belly upwards was hanging OUTSIDE of our unit, her knees on the windowsill. 2 STOREYS up. There is concrete below.

I've never felt so sick in my life. In two seconds I'd crossed the room, yanked her back inside and yelled for the husband. Said window is now jammed closed and will not be opened again until we leave.

I feel like a bad mother, like I should have known she'd try something like that. It was just so out of character for her and we think it's because she was hot now that it's getting warmer. The talking to she got, I don't think she's EVER going to try anything like that again but we had to scare her to make her realise how dangerous what she did was.

We're literally a 2 minute drive from a major childrens' hospital. All I can do is thank god that on Wednesday night we did not have to go there. I honestly believe that had I not gone into her room, two minutes later she would have already fallen out.


Allegro ma non troppo said...

That is truly terrifying. You must have nearly died from fright!

I'm so so glad she's ok.

Going to get hot with that window nailed shut, though! Perhaps the landlord will put in a grill if you threaten him.

Givinya De Elba said...

Oh Beck! That's terrifying! Thank God you went in when you did. Sometimes we have promptings to do things, and they are worth following up on, aren't they?

But you'd think with flyscreen on the window, she'd be safe. Miss M falling out just wasn't on the radar!

tiff(threeringcircus) said...

OMG Bec!
How scary.
I don't think you should beat yourself up.
You are a good Mummy.